Element Boiling Points - Alphabetical and Periodic Table

Boiling point data for the elements presented in two different ways: alphabetical list and periodic table.

Element Boiling Points - Alphabetical List

Element Name Boiling Point/°C Element Name Boiling Point/°C
Actinium 3199 Mendelevium -
Aluminum 2466.85 Mercury 356.73
Americium 2607 Molybdenum 4640
Antimony 1587 Moscovium -
Argon -185.8 Neodymium 3070
Arsenic 603 (gray) Neon -246.0
Astatine 337 Neptunium 3900
Barium 1897 Nickel 2990
Berkelium 2900 Nihonium -
Beryllium 2469 Niobium 4744
Bismuth 1564 Nitrogen -195.8
Bohrium - Nobelium -
Boron 3727 Oganesson -
Bromine 58.9 Osmium 5012
Cadmium 765 Oxygen -182.9
Calcium 1484 Palladium 2960
Californium 1472 Phosphorus 280.5
Carbon 3825 (graphite) Platinum 3820
Cerium 3443 Plutonium 3230
Cesium 670 Polonium 960
Chlorine -34 Potassium 765.6
Chromium 2670 Praseodymium 3510
Cobalt 2930 Promethium 3300
Copernicium - Protactinium 4000
Copper 2560 Radium 1500
Curium 3100 Radon -62
Darmstadtium - Rhenium 5596
Dubnium - Rhodium 3695
Dysprosium 2560 Roentgenium -
Einsteinium - Rubidium 690
Erbium 2860 Ruthenium 4150
Europium 1600 Rutherfordium -
Fermium - Samarium 1790
Flerovium - Scandium 2830
Fluorine -188.1 Seaborgium -
Francium 677 Selenium 685
Gadolinium 3260 Silicon 3265
Gallium 2200 Silver 2155
Germanium 2830 Sodium 883
Gold 2850 Strontium 1380
Hafnium 4600 Sulfur 444.7
Hassium - Tantalum 5560
Helium -268.9 Technetium 4260
Holmium 2700 Tennessine -
Hydrogen -252.87 Tellurium 990
Indium 2070 Terbium 3220
Iodine 184 Thallium 1473
Iridium 4430 Thorium 4790
Iron 2750 Thulium 1950
Krypton -153.2 Tin 2620
Lanthanum 2830 Titanium 3287
Lawrencium - Tungsten 5550
Lead 1750 Uranium 4130
Lithium 1347 Vanadium 3400
Livermorium - Xenon -108.1
Lutetium 3390 Ytterbium 1200
Magnesium 1090 Yttrium 3340
Manganese 2060 Zinc 910
Meitnerium - Zirconium 4400

* Boiling Point Notes:
1. Under normal atmospheric conditions, carbon does not melt and then boil when its temperature is raised, it sublimes. i.e. when heated, carbon undergoes a phase change directly from solid to gas. The boiling point quoted is when the vapor pressure of graphite vapor above subliming graphite reaches 1 atmosphere.

2. Arsenic sublimes when heated. The boiling point quoted is when the vapor pressure of arsenic vapor above subliming gray arsenic reaches 1 atmosphere.

Periodic Table of Element Boiling Points in Degrees Celcius

Periodic Table Key